Scheduling MySQL backups with Laravel

To manually dump the database you can run the following one-liner code

mysqldump -u[user] -p[pass] [db] > [file_path]

But what if you want to automate the process? Listing down the steps one by one:

    1. Setup cron entry to your server
      * * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
    2. Create a command BackupDatabase by running the following code:
      php artisan make:command BackupDatabase
    3. Navigate to app/Console/Commands/BackupDatabase.php and replace the code the following:
      namespace App\Console\Commands;
      use Illuminate\Console\Command;
      use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
      use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
      class BackupDatabase extends Command
          protected $signature = 'db:backup';
          protected $description = 'Backup the database';
          protected $process;
          public function __construct()
              $this->process = new Process(sprintf(
                  'mysqldump -u%s -p%s %s > %s',
                  storage_path('app/backups/backup-' . time() . '.sql')
          public function handle()
              try {
                  $this->info('The backup has been proceed successfully.');
              } catch (ProcessFailedException $exception) {
                  $this->error('The backup process has been failed.');
    4. Schedule the backup task, navigate to app/Console/Kernel.php and append the following line of code inside schedule method to run database backups every Saturday at 11PM. You can set the frequency as per your requirements
    5. Create backups directory inside storage/app directory and place a .gitignore file inside backups directory with the following code

That’s it you’ve now enabled weekly automated database backups
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